

http://book.sina.com.cn  2009年04月26日 18:23  新浪读书

  Kids always ask me: "Where do you getyour ideas?" That's my most-asked question. And, of course, I don’t knowhow to answer it. Who knows where ideas come from? Sometimes you have to thinkfor hours to get a good story idea-- and sometimes it just pops into your mind。


  I get a lot of good ideas when I'm walkingmy dog in the park. One day, I was walking the dog and I got an idea for a verystrange story. I pictured a father and his two kids. The father takes off hiscap-- and instead of hair growing out of his head, he is sprouting LEAVES. Thekids are horrified when they see that their father is slowly turning into aPLANT!


  Where did this come from? I don’t know. Itjust flashed into my mind. And it became the second Goosebumps book-- Stay Out of the Basement。


  Kids everywhere are fascinated by puppetsand dummies. I'm not sure why, but everyone finds the idea of a puppet comingto life very frightening. My most popular villain is a ventriloquist dummynamed Slappy. The dummy walks and talks and bites kids' ears, and insultseverybody, and spews a putrid, green liquid from its mouth. Kids love it. I'vewritten four or five books about Slappy, including Goosebumps HorrorLand numberone-- Revenge of the Living Dummy, the first book in my new series。


  One day when my son Matt was seven or eightyears old, I watched him trying on a Halloween mask. It was a green rubberFrankenstein mask. Matt pulled it down over his head-- and then he couldn't getit off. He tugged and tugged, but it was stuck to his face!


  I thought: What a great idea for a story!Matt's little problem gave me the idea for what became one of the most popularGoosebumps books-- The Haunted Mask. It's about a girl at Halloween time whotries on an ugly, green mask. The mask is haunted. It sticks to her face. It meltsonto her skin. And it starts to change her, to turn her evil! She's trappedinside it!


  So, where do these ideas come from? Ialways tell kids they come from everywhere-- your imagination, your memory,things you see happen right in front of you, things you read about, andsometimes they just pop into your mind when you're not even trying!


  Now, I'm so proud that my stories will alsobe enjoyed by Chinese readers. I'm so grateful to my publishers here-- my newfriends at the Jieli Publishing House-- for bringing out these new editions ofGoosebumps and Goosebumps HorrorLand。


  And thank you all so much for coming to mytalk today. I know you must have some questions for me, and I'm very eager to hearthem. Thank you!


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